Tuesday, April 30, 2013


is a bitch....and now I have to pay the price for my stupid mistakes......I am still staying positive don't get me wrong and believing in second chances but now I'm thinking, is this the price I have to pay for my fuck ups? I'm not going to let it beat me down or make it break me, I'm done with that! I'm going to believe that there is something positive to gain from this and that I will be 100 times better after this but while I mold my mind to be full of positive energy, I still wonder is this my Karma and am going to have to let it bite me in the ass for not taking the second opportunity I was given???? Fuck!!! if you are listening out there I want you to know this, if you are given a second chance TAKE IT!!!!! I needed this rant!!!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Vacation Destination

Planning my future vacation with a certain someone who has no idea of what's going on.....watch I may end up going alone but NO!!!! WE NEED POSITIVE THINKING!!!! Ugh so much planning and am sooo tired :) I miss him and I love him ❤❤❤ -this sounds a little crazy now that I read it again lol the following pics are from Instagram

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mermaid Love

This post comes with a little sadness one of the puppies has died from Parvo :( May he Rest In Peace and his brother and sisters have Parvo too but luckily they will be okay because it was caught right on time. I have always loved The Little Mermaid funny little fact was that the little mermaid was released in 1986 my birth year!!!! YAY that movie was made for me! I am the little mermaid! All I am missing is the red hair and to be 16 again. In honor of my favorite movie and most def favorite love story, here are some of my favorite images on the web of The Little Mermaid. and lots of gifs!

Now that I have spammed you!!! I say Ciao and Kisses!!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Oh Baby Baby!!!

Who has been following my stay positive attitude!!! I am still going, breathing in and out, thinking about a positive outcome.......its hard not to have negative thoughts because I think we are predisposed to being negative and we have to think that maybe we should reset our minds to positive. SO I AM PRACTICING what I PREACH! I am also purchasing some things for the store which will hopefully revamp everything the process has been so slow, one because its hard to have a business with a full time job and FYI I HAVE A NEW O-SOME JOB!!!! FULL TIME TOO!!! and there is a lot to learn about a business!!! EXCUSES EXCUSES I KNOW!!! but I am back BABY and I AM ON FIRE!!! so you will here about the store real soon, YEAH!!!!!! FYI and its also and ONLINE STORE which is more complicated, okay my last excuse!!!