Monday, March 25, 2013


It has been a minute since I have posted a new blog and all I can say is I HAVE GALLBLADDER STONES!!! and recently suffered from a gallbladder attack and let me tell you I felt like I was giving birth to triplets. I am looking for an alternative cure to surgery because I am a SCARED!!!!! I am currently making my doctors appointment but before I head over there I want to try this out:

Here are some tips to begin your alternative treatment.

1. To begin your treatment, you should immediately avoid high fat  foods and high cholesterol foods. This will help with the purging of the  gallbladder stones which are primarily composed of hardened cholesterol.

Eating 5-7 servings of vegetables can help with the cleansing of the liver,  colon and gallbladder. Because vegetables contain lots of fiber they will  naturally flush these organs.

2. You should also be regularly supplementing safflower seed oil which  is thought to stimulate the gallbladder. When combined with essential fatty  acids (salmon and tuna), safflower seed oil is very efficient at eliminating  toxic build up in the gallbladder. You should supplement at least 2 teaspoons  daily.

Research shows that eliminating toxins in the body will make the gallbladder and liver run more effectively.

3. Milk thistle is also extremely popular because it cleanses the  liver and stimulates bile production. In one study, silymarin (the active  component in milk thistle) was shown to reduce cholesterol levels in bile. With  less cholesterol build up in the gallbladder, the stones are much more likely to  be flushed. The recommended use is 600 mg of milk thistle extract per day.

4. Living healthier is another way to help your stones pass. Simply  drinking more water is a simple way to help your gallstones pass. Exercising  regularly is another way. Eating smaller meals (5-6 per day) can help your  gallbladder purge the stones but also boost your metabolism to help you lose  weight.

If you are reading this and have suffered from it please let me know!!!