Ugh I felt so excited this morning now I feel like punching walls...I honestly believe I am bipolar but I think everybody does. I am still working on the store and having all these major ideas on what I want the store to consist of, had a meeting with my Iris, my bestie, she and I will be designing clothes together that will be another store all together, and brainstorming also for Lady Darko YAY!!!! I already have another bestie helping me with products and ideas and concepts which makes me very happy. I am glad I brought her on board and was as excited as I am and might open her own store we will see.....
Today's inspirations are:
Cover Girl Lip Perfection My Favorite
Chanel Gun, inspired by taste!
Lauren Conrad's blog is always inspiring!
My Kitty! She is a rescue and so are my other cats :)
I want to perfect this look!
My Chihuahua Harlow, Love her to death! and I miss her everyday I go to work!
I love braided hair but I am not the greatest hairstylist but I will work on it!
Hopefully after the store I will be able to do a T-Shirt line!
Gorgeous models and Cigarettes always inspire me!